Who is the Author?
The Saunders Solutions in veterinary practice books are collections of several books written by several authors. The authors hold different accolades in veterinary medicine practice, and we can comfortably say that they are an authority you can trust in veterinary practice.
These authors include Shailen Jasani, Rob D. Foale, Lesa Longley, Marjorie Chandler, Sue Fitzmaurice, Anita Patel, Peter J. Forsythe, Cecilia Gorrel, and Sally M. Turner, along with other contributors.

The Available Books in the Series
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Emergency Medicine 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
By Shailen Jasani (Author), Fred Nind (Contributor)
About This Book
The Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice book collection is a set of hands-on guides covering various veterinary medical issues through the lens of selected medical themes.
The target audience for this case-based series is the small animal vet practitioner who has experience for less than ten years. The veterinarian should also require information and wants to increase their confidence in handling cases that cover the issues between the referral and simple routine first opinion case.
Veterinary practitioners can improve their skills and their general practice with the help of the additional knowledge that Saunders Solutions provide in Veterinary Practice. This series will benefit veterinary students getting close to finishing their program and practitioners looking to brush up on their expertise in a particular area.
In addition, each volume’s creation is by a veterinary nurse with a special interest in a certain subject. The authors included “Nurse Boxes” throughout the text to direct readers to the exact information they were looking for.
Book Details
ASIN: B006H4D02I
Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 1st edition
Publication date: November 11, 2011
Language: English
Text-to-speech: Enabled
Book format: Kindle
File size: 9,992 KB
Screen reader: Supported
Simultaneous device usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not enabled
Wordwise: Not enabled
Print length: 328 pages
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Oncology 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
By Rob D. Foale (Author), Jackie Demetriou (Author), Fred Nind (Contributor)
About This Book
BSAVA Manuals on a variety of subjects, published by Blackwell; page counts range from 169 to 464; prices range from £47 to £59 for members to £69 to £89 for non-members; you do not require membership to purchase.
It uses the system-based and case-based approaches as opposed to Blackwell’s disease-based approach because it is more beneficial for the practitioner – taking the veterinary practitioner as a starting point.
They chose this approach because we strongly feel that this approach is more beneficial for the practitioner than Blackwell’s disease-based approach (the animal comes into the practice with certain symptoms, then what happens next)
These books will be synoptic, easy to access, and provide key information (bullet points) to facilitate user-friendliness and easy access to the content. Most of the BSAVA Manual has updates to contain a great deal of new information and has transitioned away from using bullet-pointed text in favor of more explicit language.
They want the reader to comprehend the reasoning behind particular actions by utilizing decision trees, which state: “if you do this, then this will happen; if you opted to follow this path, this would be the conclusion, etc.” It won’t be easy to get this right, and it will only apply to some scenarios.
The purpose of these volumes is not to attempt to cover the entire field; instead, they will focus on the conditions that general and small animal practitioners most frequently see in their daily work.
They provide coverage for canines, felines, and rabbits.
They come in a convenient format and have a flexi cover; the BSAVA Manual release was huge, measuring 11.69 in by 8.27 in (297 mm by 210 mm) (equivalent to an American A4 sheet of paper).
The BSAVA Manuals do not include a step-by-step tutorial, despite what the volumes, as mentioned earlier, claim.
In recent years, manuals have gotten increasingly top-heavy and have shifted toward an approach that is more intellectual and less practical. Dobson: Small Animal Oncology, 2001, Blackwell, 304 pages, approximately $94.99
Its writings are in notes form and without using the case-based approach:
From epidemiology, etiology, pathology, and presentation to staging, management, and prognosis of a chosen malignancy.
Book Details
Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 1st edition
Publication date: January 26, 2010
Language: English
Book format: Paperback and kindle
Text-to-speech: Enabled
File size: 11,867 KB
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not enabled
Wordwise: Not enabled
Print length: 224 pages
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Exotic Pet Medicine 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
By Lesa Longley (Author), Fred Nind (Contributor)
About This Book
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice is a collection of practical manuals on particular medical and veterinary issues.
This case-based series is for small animal veterinarians with less than ten years of experience who require quick access to knowledge and want to boost their confidence in handling various cases that fall between the straightforward first opinion case and the referral.
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice gives veterinary professionals new information that enhances their practice and expertise. This series will be beneficial for veterinary students towards the end of their course, as well as practitioners, to refresh their knowledge in a particular area.
The volumes are specific with the veterinary nurse in mind, who may have a particular interest in a subject. The text uses ‘Nurse Boxes’ throughout the text to direct readers to the necessary information.
Book Details
Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 1st edition
Publication date: September 21, 2010
Language: English
Text-to-speech: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Book format: Kindle, paperback
File size: 10,236 Kb
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Wordwise: Not enabled
Print length: 272 pages
Solutions Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Gastroenterology E-Book (Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
By Marjorie Chandler (Author), Fred Nind (Contributor)
About This Book
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice is a collection of practical manuals on particular medical and veterinary issues. This case-based series is for small animal veterinarians with less than ten years of experience who require quick access to knowledge and want to boost their confidence in handling various cases that fall between the straightforward first opinion case and the referral.
The volumes are specific with the veterinary nurse in mind, who may have a particular interest in a subject. ‘Nurse Boxes’ are used throughout the text to direct readers to the necessary information.
- Novel approach: case descriptions for clinical cases refer to a common framework and include examination, treatment choices, and therapeutic advice pertinent to general small animal veterinary practitioners.
- Provides comprehensive, easily accessible, and essential data
- Gives pertinent data on particular subjects
- Authorship guarantees information accuracy
- Relevant to all family physicians
- authored to advance the knowledge and abilities of general veterinarians
- Aim to satisfy CPD-need, but emphasize differential diagnosis and effective case management
- It also includes self-evaluation tools after each chapter, making it applicable to veterinary students.
- A large audience: the book includes “Notes for Vets,” which refers to practitioners and students, “Notes for Nurses,” “Notes for Pet Owners,” and “Notes for Nurses.”
- Convenient format with a flexible cover
- The only species included will be cats, dogs, and rabbits.
- Throughout, full color.
Book Details
Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 1st edition
Publication date: March 30, 2011
Language: English
Book format: Kindle, paperback
File size: 8,230 KB
Text-to-speech: Enabled
Screen reader: Supported
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not enabled
Word Wise: Not enabled
Print length: 643 pages
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Neurology E-Book 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
By Sue Fitzmaurice (Author), Fred Nind (Contributor)
About This Book
The Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice book collection is a set of hands-on guides covering various veterinary medical issues through the lens of selected medical themes.
The small animal veterinary practitioner who has qualified for less than ten years needs quick access to information and wants to increase their confidence in handling that range of cases that cover the spectrum between the simple routine first-opinion case. The referral is the target audience for this case-based series.
In addition, each volume is with a veterinary nurse with a special interest in a certain subject. The authors included “Nurse Boxes” throughout the text to direct readers to the exact information they were looking for.
- Novel approach: clinical cases that include inspection, treatment alternatives, and therapeutic suggestions that are applicable for the general small animal veterinary practitioner – all case descriptions based on a standard template
- provides information that is comprehensive, readily available, and crucial
- gives knowledge that is necessary for a variety of subjects
- Its authorship is a guarantee that the material is accurate.
- Important to all general practitioners
- Written to enhance the knowledge and experience of general veterinary practitioners
- have the goal of satisfying the CPD requirement but will place more emphasis on practical case management and differential diagnosis
- includes self-evaluation questions at the end of each chapter, making it applicable to veterinary students as well
- Targeting a broad audience, including veterinarians and veterinary students, as stated in the text by the phrase “Notes for Vets,” as well as nurses and pet owners, as indicated in the text by the words “Notes for Nurses” and “Notes for Pet Owners,” respectively.
- Portable format featuring a Flexi cover
- The species it will address will only include cats, dogs, and rabbits.
- Color throughout in every respect
Book Details
Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 1st edition
Publication date: April 21, 2010
Language: English
Book format: Kindle, paperback
Text-to-speech: Enabled
File size: 12,232 KB
Screen reader: Supported
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not enabled
Wordwise: Not enabled
Print length: 352 pages
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Dermatology 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
By Anita Patel (Author), Peter J. Forsythe (Author), Fred Nind (Contributor)
About This Book
This publication mainly targets those working in the medical field in countries other than the United States. Because multiple therapies and care options are available for most dermatological disorders, the situation is even more complicated.
Even if you cannot treat the condition, the practitioner should seek a definitive diagnosis and plan adequate therapy in Small Animal Dermatology because it is a helpful reference for these patients.
- A groundbreaking new strategy refers to real-world cases and links fundamental theory to clinical application.
- Up-to-date, with a high level of design and illustration, making the most critical information easy to spot.
- Self-testing, multiple-choice questions, and remediation make these volumes ideally suited for continuing professional development (CPD) or as exam revision help.
- An absolute need for all general and small animal veterinary practitioners and students.
Book Details
Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 1st edition
Publication date: June 11, 2008
Text-to-speech: Enabled
Language: English
Book format: Kindle, paperback
File size: 7,513 KB
Screen reader: Supported
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not enabled
Wordwise: Not enabled
Print length: 388 pages
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Dentistry 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
By Cecilia Gorrel (Author), Fred Nind (Contributor)
About This Book
This publication is largely for those working in the medical field in countries other than the United States. Dental cases comprise a considerable part of any general practitioner’s caseload. Small Animal Dentistry will allow practitioners to treat these cases effectively, minimizing the hassles and stress associated with bad technique.
It will also help to identify what is possible and realistic for the general practitioner and what remains for a referral specialist.
- A groundbreaking new strategy that bases on real-world cases and links fundamental theory to clinical application
- Self-testing, multiple-choice questions, and remediation make these volumes ideally suited for continuing professional development (CPD) or as exam revision help.
- An absolute need for all general and small animal veterinary practitioners, as well as students
Book Details
ASIN: B0070U1AJ8
Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 1st edition
Publication date: April 22, 2008
Language: English
Book format: Kindle, paperback
File size: 5,456 KB
Screen reader: Supported
Text-to-speech: Enabled
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not enabled
Wordwise: Not enabled
Print length: 256 pages
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Ophthalmology E-Book 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
By Sally M. Turner (Author), Fred Nind (Contributor)
About This Book
This title is primarily for healthcare professionals outside of the United States. The cases discussed in Small Animal Ophthalmology cover selected areas of the subject, in particular, common or potentially frustrating cases, as well as the occasional less frequently encountered diseases, which should, nonetheless, be aware to general practitioners.
Each section is fully illustrated and includes valuable appendices covering ophthalmic emergencies, conditions you should check for in young animals, and commonly used pharmacological agents.
- Unique new cased-based approach relating essential theory to clinical practice
- Modern, highly designed, and illustrated, so crucial information you can see at a glance
- Self-testing, MCQs, and remediation mean these books are ideally suited for CPD or as an exam revision aid.
- This Saunders manual of small animal practice is essential for all general small animal veterinary practitioners and students.
Book Details
ASIN: B0070U1AK2
Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 1st edition
Publication date: April 22, 2008
Language: English
Text-to-speech: Enabled
Book format: etextbook, paperback
File size: 7,476 KB
Screen reader: Supported
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray for textbooks: Enabled
Wordwise: Not enabled
Print length: 384 pages
That’s All, Folks
As a veterinary practitioner or aspiring, you will find these books of great importance to you. All you require will be handy in these editions of Saunders Solutions in veterinary practice books.
These books are a must-have for success in your practice. However, you will find Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Emergency Medicine 1st Edition, Kindle Edition, a valuable addition and a must-have.