Revealing 5 Book Favorites on Fish Parasites

What are Fish Parasites?

Parasites are small organisms that require one or more hosts to complete their life cycle. There are three fish parasites of public health importance; tapeworms, flatworms or flukes, and roundworms in fish.

Just like animals and humans, fish suffer from diseases and parasites. Keep on reading this article to find out about parasites from fish.

Fish parasite benedenia

5 of the Best Books on the Market That Covers Fish Parasites

If you are a fish veterinarian student, a fish farmer, or a lover of books and you may love to learn more about fish parasites, keep on scrolling and get information on these five books on parasites in fish to find the best one for you.

Parasites of Marine Fish and Cephalopods: A Practical Guide
Fish Parasites: Pathobiology and Protection
Product name
Parasites of Marine Fish and Cephalopods: A Practical Guide
Fish Parasites: Pathobiology and Protection
Parasites of Marine Fish and Cephalopods: A Practical Guide
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Parasites of Marine Fish and Cephalopods: A Practical Guide
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Fish Parasites: Pathobiology and Protection
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Fish Parasites: Pathobiology and Protection
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Book Details

Author: James E. Bron, Geert Wiegertjes, M. Carla Piazzon, Ariadna Bobadilla

Language: English

Date of publication: August 31, 2021

Printing length: 430 pages

Publisher: 5m publishing

Size of file: 7,299KB

About the Author

The three authors did a great job writing and making it a success. The Netherlands James E. Bron is one of them, and he is a professor of aquatic animal health at the institute of aquaculture, university of Stirling, UK.

The second author who also made this book a success is Geert Wiegertjes. Geert is a full professor and the head of the aquaculture and Fisheries Group at the University of Wageningen.

The third author is Ariadna Bobadilla. She is also a full Professor and head of the Fish Pathology Group at the Institute of Aquaculture Torre de la Sal, CSIC, in Spain.

The fourth author of this book is M.Carla Piazzon, a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of AquacultureTorre de Sal, CSIC, in Spain.

General Overview

Are you looking for a piece to assist you in getting knowledge about the fish parasites? Go for Fish Parasites: A Handbook of Protocols for their Isolation, Culture and Transmission Kindle Edition Written by Ariadna Bobadills, M.Carla, James E. Bron, and Geert Wiegertjes.

This book about Fish parasites is highly authoritative because it answers questions on how you can manage, treat and prevent aquatic animal diseases. Various disease outbreaks affect the aquatic industries from the impacts of freshwater and marine parasites.

The fish parasite book is of help to you because it contains a step-to-step guide on parasite infection, as well as identifying and monitoring when they occur. It’s a dedication to understanding well and controlling the fish parasites to promote the sustainability and competitiveness of European aquaculture.

In addition, the ParaFishControl, a project that the EU funds, involves industry, academic, and government partners drawing from across Europe who also contribute to the success of this book.

Aquatic Animal Diseases

Aquatic animal diseases occur due to intense aquaculture use of high stocking densities; conditions have become a significant issue. These diseases can potentially wreak havoc on marine animals and spread to the wild populations.

This book on fish parasites will help those currently researching parasites in fish relations and treating internal parasites in fish.

Why it is Essential to Own This Book

  • It outlines the most up-to-date protocols for parasite isolation, culture, and transmissions.
  • It contains details and procedures for producing parasitic infections in the laboratory environment.
  • The book contains protocols for the tasks, which include monitoring the parasites.
  • It prepares and explains parasite materials in detail.

Parasites of Marine Fish and Cephalopods: A Practical Guide 1st ed. 2019 Edition, Kindle Edition

Book Details

Authors: Sven Klimpel, Thomas Kuhn, Julian Munster, Dorian D. Dorge, Regina Klapper

Rating: 5 out of 5

Publisher: Springer

Date of publication: May 6, 2019

Edition: 1st edition 2019

Language: English

Size of File: 42,478 KB

Printing Length: 261 pages

General Overview

This book offers a useful and practical guide to the examination and scientific study concerning the biology of parasites and parasitic diseases of marine fish and animals. The book has several sections.

The first section covers a broad introduction of details which include:

  • History and methods of fisheries and aquaculture
  • Ecology and marine environment
  • Ecology of the marine fish and cephalopods
  • Effects of the parasites on hosts

The second section generalizes the morphology and anatomy of marine fish and cephalopods. It uses illustrations of the morphotypes (e.g., habitus photos of the body cavity and internal organs).

The third section is helpful because it covers the relevant parasitic groups and their ecology(such as life cycles and transmission) related to diseases and detection.

The fourth section makes this book essential because it provides comprehensive methods, important protocols, and applications of typical dissection techniques (for roundfish, flatfish, and the cephalopods), stomach content analysis, and preservation, preparation, and molecular identification of parasites.

This Parasites of the marine book also entails the introduction of ecological characteristics along with some basic estimates of the most typical infections.

The fifth and final section offers information on the health dangers of consuming fish and cephalopods. The appendix shows examples of parasitological examinations and processing of the fish samples.

The parasites of the marine textbook are available in formats which are paperback, hardcover, and kindle; it is also available in used and new versions.

Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes

Book Details

Author: Glenn L. Hoffman

Rating: 5 out of 5

Date of publication: May 20, 1999

Publisher: Comstock publishing associates (2nd Edition)

Language: English

Printing length: 576 pages

Bestsellers: # 2,098 in Biology of fishes and sharks,# 3,722,184 in Books, # 315 in veterinary Anatomy and Physiology, #576 in fisheries and aquaculture ( books)

General Overview

Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes textbook provides information on public health concerning the methods used to examine fish for parasites, fish parasites, and those found in only the selective tissues or organs.

A thorough update and revision for this book edition of a classic reference work is the definitive guide to freshwater fish parasite identification.

It’s essential to own parasites of American books because it provides them with access to literature relevant to species identification, life cycles, and in some cases, control. Each chapter in the book begins with an overview of species and pertinent other families and genera that follow the species for those phyla.

Along with photographic images, drawings depict a representative of each genus. Since the release of the original edition 30 years ago, numerous novels have recently identified parasites of North American freshwater fish.

The author updated the information and added new species accounts to this edition. A taxonomy revision, expanding descriptions and discussion of the most important fish parasites, providing a glossary to help nonspecialists.

Glenn L. Hoffman also did an update and reference list through 1992. The volume features twice as many illustrations as the first edition, including the addition of 33 color photographs. The book is so helpful because it is simple and concise. It is a used book and is available in good condition.

These parasites of northern American freshwater book is essential for the following audience:

  • Ecologists
  • Ichthyologists
  • Fisheries managers
  • Practitioners
  • The serious fish hobbyists
  • Aquarium professionals

The textbook belongs to the shelf of students, libraries, and researchers with interest in freshwater fish biology.

Fish Parasites: Pathobiology and Protection Illustrated Edition

Book Details

Authors: Patrick T.K. Woo, Kurt Buchmann

Ratings: 5 out of 5

Language: English

Publisher: CABI

Edition: Illustrated

Date of Publication: March 1, 2012

Bestseller: 5,431,844 in Books, #743 ichthyology (Books),#123 in Parasitology (Books)

General Overview 

In this book, the writer focuses on the scientific study of bacteria and protective strategies against fish’s protozoan and metazoan parasites.

This book summarizes the most recent findings on effective parasites, including the following:

  • The parasites that harm the aquaculture industry financially.
  • Parasites spread to new areas by transporting fish that already have an infection.
  • Those parasites are pathogenic to certain finfish species and reduce production.
  • The parasites are highly adaptable and not host-specific.
  • Parasites with a global distribution may likely serve as disease models for research on other pathogens.

Why You Should Own This Book

  1. The author wrote and organized the book well.
  2. It is available in hardcover and paperback formats
  3. The author did a great job in writing the book using easy English
  4. The book highlights gaps in the knowledge to help direct future research.

Fish Parasites. Part 2. Cultured Marine Fish: Parasites of Marine Fish of the Mediterranean Area Threat to Aquaculture. Aspects of the Host-Parasite Relationships

Book Details

Author: Pilar Alvarez-Pellitero

Language: English

Date of publication: October 5, 2017

Printing length: 236 pages

The Mariculture of finfish has been growing over the past decades. Several parasite infections have also become a hazard to fish health. Following the previous book on fish, the author’s team did the second collection of research on the parasite fauna of the main commercial cultured marine fish of the Mediterranean region from 1985 to 2013.

The book covers the importance of parasites which have a big cultural impact. Some of the examples include Enteromyxum species and monogeneans. With 67 tables and 78 figures, the presentation, pathology, fish immune response, involvement of terminal carbohydrates residues in the host-parasite relationship, treatment, and management.

Recent discoveries suggest getting details allowing the prevention and control of the main parasitoses. This book is so essential to the following audience:

  • Mariculture firms and fish farmers.
  • Students.
  • Graduates in Biological Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.


With all the information concerning fish parasites, the books in this article will help you learn how to identify types of fish parasites and control, treat and manage internal parasites in fish. Stop waiting and grab one of your favorite books from this article and learn more about internal and external parasites in fish. Read our article and find out Books for Aspiring Veterinarians.

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